Ir + A + Infinitive Worksheet

Dive into the world of Spanish grammar with our comprehensive ir + a + infinitive worksheet. This essential tool will equip you with the knowledge and practice you need to master this versatile verb tense.

Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, our worksheet covers everything you need to know about ir + a + infinitive, from its structure and usage to its various applications.

Overview of ‘ir + a + infinitive’

The Spanish verb “ir” can be used in combination with the preposition “a” and an infinitive to express future intentions or plans.

The structure of “ir + a + infinitive” is as follows:

  • Subject + ir + a + infinitive

For example:

  • Yo voy a estudiar. (I am going to study.)
  • Tú vas a comer. (You are going to eat.)
  • Él va a trabajar. (He is going to work.)

Usage and Function

“Ir + a + infinitive” is used to express a variety of future intentions or plans, including:

  • Immediate plans (e.g., “Voy a salir ahora.” – I am going to leave now.)
  • Plans for the near future (e.g., “Voy a visitar a mis padres el próximo fin de semana.” – I am going to visit my parents next weekend.)
  • Long-term plans (e.g., “Voy a estudiar medicina.” – I am going to study medicine.)

Types of Actions with ‘ir + a + infinitive’

The structure ‘ir + a + infinitive’ is used to express various types of actions in Spanish. These actions can be categorized into three main types:

Immediate Future Actions

This structure is used to express actions that are about to happen or are planned for the immediate future. The actions are typically spontaneous or unplanned and are often used in informal speech.

  • Voy a salir a caminar.(I’m going to go for a walk.)
  • Vas a comer ahora mismo.(You’re going to eat right now.)
  • Van a llegar tarde.(They’re going to be late.)

Planned or Intended Actions, Ir + a + infinitive worksheet

This structure is used to express actions that are planned or intended to happen in the future. The actions are typically more formal and are often used in written or spoken communication.

  • Vamos a visitar a nuestros padres.(We’re going to visit our parents.)
  • Van a construir una nueva casa.(They’re going to build a new house.)
  • Voy a estudiar para el examen.(I’m going to study for the exam.)

Scheduled Events

This structure is used to express actions that are scheduled to happen at a specific time or date. The actions are typically formal and are often used in calendars, schedules, or other official documents.

  • El tren sale a las 10:00.(The train leaves at 10:00.)
  • La reunión comienza a las 14:00.(The meeting starts at 2:00.)
  • El avión llega a las 18:30.(The plane arrives at 6:30.)

Common Verbs Used with ‘ir + a + infinitive’

Verbs commonly used with ‘ir + a + infinitive’ fall into three main categories: verbs of movement, communication, and intention. These verbs set the stage for actions that are about to happen, expressing a sense of anticipation or imminent occurrence.

Verbs of Movement

Verbs of movement, such as ‘ir’ (to go), ‘venir’ (to come), and ‘llegar’ (to arrive), describe physical displacement. When used with ‘ir + a + infinitive’, they indicate an impending journey or arrival.

Finishing the ir + a + infinitive worksheet has me thinking about literary devices like assonance. It’s a technique often used in poetry and plays, like assonance in Romeo and Juliet . Back to the worksheet, the practice has been helpful in solidifying my understanding of the grammar concept.

  • Voy a viajar a España(I am going to travel to Spain).
  • Vienen a visitarnos(They are coming to visit us).
  • Llegarán mañana por la tarde(They will arrive tomorrow afternoon).

Example Sentences: Ir + A + Infinitive Worksheet

Ir + a + infinitive worksheet

Here are some examples of sentences using ‘ir + a + infinitive’ in different contexts:

Expressing Future Intentions

  • Voy a viajar a España el próximo mes. (I am going to travel to Spain next month.)
  • Vamos a comer pizza esta noche. (We are going to eat pizza tonight.)
  • ¿Vas a estudiar para el examen? (Are you going to study for the exam?)

Expressing Plans and Arrangements

  • Tengo que ir a la tienda a comprar leche. (I have to go to the store to buy milk.)
  • Debemos ir al médico para un chequeo. (We should go to the doctor for a checkup.)
  • ¿Quieres ir al cine conmigo? (Do you want to go to the movies with me?)

Expressing Predictions and Expectations

  • Creo que va a llover mañana. (I think it is going to rain tomorrow.)
  • Espero que me llame pronto. (I hope he calls me soon.)
  • No creo que vayan a ganar el partido. (I don’t think they are going to win the game.)

Exercises and Practice

Ir + a + infinitive worksheet

Mastering the use of ‘ir + a + infinitive’ requires practice. Here are some interactive exercises and a downloadable worksheet to help you enhance your understanding.

Interactive Exercises

  • Fill in the Blank:Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of ‘ir + a + infinitive’ from the options provided.
  • Sentence Transformation:Rewrite the given sentences using ‘ir + a + infinitive’ to express future intentions or plans.
  • Conversation Practice:Engage in dialogues that incorporate ‘ir + a + infinitive’ to practice speaking and listening skills.


Download the printable worksheet below for additional exercises and an answer key to check your progress.

Download Worksheet


What is the structure of ir + a + infinitive?

The structure of ir + a + infinitive is: subject + ir + a + infinitive of the main verb.

When is ir + a + infinitive used?

Ir + a + infinitive is used to express future actions, plans, or intentions.

What are some common verbs used with ir + a + infinitive?

Some common verbs used with ir + a + infinitive include verbs of movement (ir, venir, llegar), verbs of communication (decir, hablar, preguntar), and verbs of intention (pensar, querer, desear).